Killers, The – Don’t waste your wishes


  1. A Great Big Sled (with Toni Halliday)
  2. Don’t Shoot Me Santa (with Ryan Pardey)
  3. Joseph, Better You Than Me (with Elton John and Neil Tennant)
  4. ¡Happy Birthday Guadalupe! (with Wild Light and Mariachi El Bronx)
  5. Boots
  6. The Cowboys’ Christmas Ball
  7. I Feel It in My Bones (with Ryan Pardey)
  8. Christmas in L.A. (with Dawes)
  9. Joel the Lump of Coal (with Jimmy Kimmel)
  10. Dirt Sledding (with Ryan Pardey and Richard Dreyfuss)
  11. I’ll Be Home for Christmas (with Ned Humphrey Hansen)

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